What’s Your Story?

Books and art tell a story. So does each of us!*

Good evening Beloved Readers!

You know why I still can go to church even though I’m still grieving? Even though I cannot see our son, Carrington in worship service? What strength God puts in me to go?

It’s the people. When I go to Sunday worship, I go to see my fellow church members. The sermons are good, however how many times can you use a certain passage of scripture? And I do enjoy the choir, whether I’m singing on a particular Sunday or not. However, it’s the people who I want to see.

You see, my fellow members and I have stories. You got that right: stories. We in the fellowship have stories-both collectively as well as individually. We have a shared story of being the recipients of God’s lavish loving grace through Their Christ. That we are all part of the Divine Realm in which we share s common link. We have stores in the church as far as joint ministries, activities in the life of our fellowship, shared joys, and shared pains.

We also have stores outside the church as well. I have a couple of stories I share with members that predate my joining. Stories transcend time and space. Stories are a shared connection we have with each other, whether it’s with one person or the whole congregation. You, my Beloved Readers, have read my stories over the years on this blog; as I’ve read your stories on your blogs!

I dare to say I prefer stories over sermons! As I said earlier, how many times can you wring a message out of scripture text (take it from blogging experience)? In fact, scripture can be static and dead at times. If we’re honest with ourselves, how many times a sermon just didn’t cut it thanks to some anachronistic passage of scripture?

However, our stories are fluid and alive. Our stories are relevant to ourselves, and possibly to each other. Our shared stories are a bond that brings us together in ways that scripture sometimes can’t. Coming from the perspective of a Black American male living in the first half of the 21st Century CE, I have my stories that are unique to me. Yet I can share my stories while listening to others share their stories with me.

Public Service Announcement: WE ALL HAVE STORIES!!!

As I wrote on Palm Sunday 2023:

I’d rather hear each other’s stories and engage each other (thank you Karl Forehand). I’m like David Hayward’s t-shirt that reads “Love Over Verses.” I wish that we’d close our Bibles and empty our pulpits; coming together in engaging fellowship, telling and hearing our stories in a healing and welcoming environment.

From “Palm Sunday Reflections”

I believe if we took my above advice, we would have real fellowship. Give me stories from the heart (over sermons from the head) In keeping with this year’s themes, our stories can foster Healing and Forgiveness among us-allowing us to live the Wild Divine Creative Erotic life in Love and Courage through the Christ that lives in us.

So, in keeping with tonight’s question: What’s Your Story?


*Image: Gallery Aferro in Newark, NJ. May 20, 2023.

About dangerouschristian

My name is Victor Reynolds. I'm a Christian who desires a more mystical approach to my spiritual life. I'm also a photographer as well who loves to create. I call myself "dangerous" because anyone-especially a Christian-who dares to be beyond the "norm" and allows to let the Christ live in them is dangerous.
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